Bloomberg reported last year that lawyers had become a minority in the U.S. Senate for the first time ever. Following data from the Vital Statistics on Congress, first published in... read more →
An article published last week by the American Lawyer took a brief look at what success means in a legal services industry that almost always mandates long hours, inevitably taking... read more →
As a law student, I learned about stare decisis. As a business litigator for almost ten years, I saw that judges applied stare decisis—unless they didn’t want to. As a... read more →
I know a whole lot more about running a business than I did in 2004, when I left the law to start Successful Career Strategies, Inc. As a career coach... read more →
What’s the single easiest step most people take to look for a job? Send a resume to a position that has been posted online. What’s one of the least effective... read more →